1 1 to 10/13/2024
An entire paradise for children, with lots of fun, beach, swimming pools, lots of green space and more than special programming for everyone. A great gift for the crowd and one that will forever be recorded in their best memories.
Sports and Leisure Programming
Master Chef Kids
Noite do Pijama
Cacau Bingo
Gincana da Criança
Caça ao Tesouro
Os Guardiões de Lavoura do Cacau
Heróis da Sustentabilidade
Caça ao Brigadeiro
Caminhadas Ecológicas
Queimada e Carimba Ameba
A Cientista ( Nova )
Workshop: Slime, Play-Doh and Arts
Face Painting and Balloon Sculpture
Bullet man
Children's Parade
Crazy Nightclub
Live music on weekends
Competitions: Caipirinha and Beer
Chocolate Tasting
Beach walks, stretching, Zumba, Lambaerobics, Water aerobics, volleyball, Football, dance classes and Stool Game